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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bob 1991-2008

Today I had to put to sleep my dog of almost 17 years. Bob, my wire-haired dachshund that I picked out when I was only 24 years old, which was about 3 lifetimes ago. Through a marriage, a divorce, a bad relationship, my single years, meeting Jim and having Jack, Bob was there as always. My faithful friend who stuck with me through it all. He lived in three different states, 6 houses and 3 apartments with me. And today I had to say goodbye to him. In the end he was completely deaf and almost blind, but when he knew that he was getting a treat, he still pranced around like a puppy. I knew this day was coming and I thought I was ready for it, but I still cried like I lost a dear friend. He was my first son before I had Jack and he will be missed.

I love you Bobers.


Anonymous said...

Dawn, your father and myself are so terribly sorry to hear about Bob having to say bye to everyone. We loved him too.

Mrs. Smith on the Web said...


I am Bonnie, Wanda's friend from Kalamazoo. I have enjoyed your blog and mother's view of Jack.

Just want to say how sorry I am to hear about Jack's accident, and also very sorry to hear about Bob's passing. He was your first son and your best buddy. There will be a hole in your life where he was, but it will be a precious hole.

-LGirl- said...

You did lose a dear friend. I'm sorry for your loss.