Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Jack's pics

We took Jack to Sears on Wednesday to get his 6 month pictures done and I think they turned out great. This was the 3rd time that we had his pics done and for once he was actually happy to be there. The other two times, my little devil child came out and replaced my usually happy child. Even the photographers were wondering where this spawn of the devil came from! But this time, he was so full of giggles and smiles. I think he was enjoying showing off his latest acquired skill - sitting up by himself! I also wanted to capture his little gummy smile while it lasts. I know that a pearly white is pushing its way through - another sign that my baby is growing up (sniff sniff).

His other newly acquired skills are as follows and not in any particular order:
  • Banging anything that comes into contact with his little hands.
  • Talking to his binky like its his best friend in the world. (I guess binky understands him like nobody else.)
  • Rolling all over the floor, hence being able to get into any dangerous situation in a blink of an eye.
  • Pulling doggies and kitties skin so hard that they end up "really" hating him and wishing that this thing called a "baby" never entered the house.
  • Sleeping in his own crib and not hogging Mommy and Daddy's bed.
  • Learning that wooden spoons are really cool and much better toys than anything Mommy buys.
  • Figuring out that "Itsy Bitsy Spider" is the best song ever and should belong on the Top 40.

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