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Monday, August 18, 2008

Sad Day

This was a very sad day. Jim and I attended the funeral of a fallen police officer. There were about 1000 people with hundreds of police officers from all over. I have put myself in Rob's wife's place a thousand times over the past few days. By the grace of God, it was not me sitting in the front row looking at her dead husband's casket. She has two children the same ages as Jack and Laura. Her son, Trevor, just didn't get it, I could tell. But that is probably a good thing. How do you tell a five-year-old that his Daddy is never coming home. I also kept thinking that his daughter will never have a father walk her down that aisle on her wedding day. It is just beyond sad. I have no words to describe the emotions of today.

After the funeral, we drove in the funeral procession to the gravesite. Jim and I were in his patrol car with the lights going, just one of hundreds of patrol cars, fire trucks, and ambulances that made its way through the streets of Gulfport. It seemed incredibly surreal as the people lined the road with American flags, signs and were saluting us as we drove through. The fire department had a huge American flag drapped over the ladder that we all drove under. Very surreal.

At the gravesite, they played Taps, had the gun salute, and bagpipes playing Amazing Grace. It was incredible to see all the police officers in their dress uniforms saluting the casket as it went by. And the saddest part of all was at the end when dispatch called out the last call to Rob on the radio. "Gulfport 107 ... Gulfport 107... silence and then "Gulfport all units Officer 107 is now 10-7" which means officer is out of service. The sobs rang out throughout the graveyard. There was one officer who was standing beside us who literally dropped to his knees sobbing. And my husband next to me was sobbing as was I. I have to say that I am so proud of my husband for the job he does. It scares the crap out of me everytime he walks out of this house in uniform, but I am so incredibly proud of him. He chooses to put himself in danger every night to help all of us. And I know that every single wife there today felt the same way about her husband and also thanking God that we have our husbands tonight, while Leslie does not.

This is one day that will live with me forever and I hope and pray that I never have to relive another policeman funeral, especially my own policeman


Steffie B. said...

Oh Dawn.....I am so, so sorry....what a difficult day for all of you. I pray that you and your children never have to endure that kind of pain.

Anonymous said...

Dawn and Jim,

Your father and myself are sitting here crying too. We pray each day for the safety of your wonderful husband/cop who puts his life on the line each time he walks out the door. God take care of my daughter and son-in-law and grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

Dawn...I wish I could come up with some amazing words that would help you & Jim through this time...I can only think of 2..."Thank You". Thank you Jim for caring & protecting. Not only your community but for your family too. Thank You Dawn for letting Jim do his job. Because without your love & support it's just a job.

Heidi said...

I am so sorry, such a difficult time for everyone. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. My cousin is a police officer with a wife and three young children and I have often had some of the same thoughts that you wrote about.
Thank you and your husband for all of the hard work and sacrifices to keep us safe!

Anonymous said...


Ever since your Mom called me last week to tell me about the two police officers, I have been praying for their families. You and Jim have also been in my prayers. I appreciated the glimpse you gave into the funeral. It truly was a sad day. I can only imagine the thoughts that go through your mind each time Jim leaves.

Steffie B. said...

Thinking of you.... ;)