Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, October 30, 2004

We're Back Finally....

Sorry, it has taken so long to update this thing. Life has been kinda hectic lately. I have been sick for the last couple of weeks and with work and Jack, it has been very busy.

Jack has been a very busy boy. He has learned to crawl really really well! He basically can crawl around the house in about 2 minutes flat. He also has learned to stand up in his crib at night. I think he realizes that when he stands up, he has a better screaming advantage. Mommy and Daddy can hear Jackaroo screams much better when he is on his feet.

Speaking of night times. I think I can almost declare Jack sleeping through the night. Now, mind you, I hate to say it too loud for fear that the words will come back and bite me and he will start waking up every 2 hrs again. But having said that, he is sleeping so much better these days. He usually goes down anywhere between 7:30 and 9:00 at night. Of course this little feat of actually going to sleep can be quite challenging. Most nights, it is at least 2 or 3 rounds of putting the Jackaroo in his crib and tiptoeing out of the room only to hear the famous Jackaroo Scream 5 minutes later. However, once that little game is done and the boy has given up and gone to sleep, he does sleep most of the night with maybe one time waking up. I say all this with my fingers crossed of course.

Another new discovery by Jack is his tongue. The boy is enamored by his tongue. About a month ago, he started sticking his tongue out, rolling it and basically just having a good ole time playing with his tongue. Now the latest thing he has learned is making the clucking sound with his tongue. He can be doing anything, but if he hears Mommy or Daddy cluck their tongue then oh boy its time for a good old fashioned tongue clucking fest. He is so cute when he does that because he just thinks it is so funny and will just start laughing. Ahh the joys of a baby Jackaroo.

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