Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Tee Ball ... The Ultimate Frustration

Jack had his third game of tee ball last night and I just have to say that it is sooooo frustrating for Jim and I to sit there and NOT yell at the boy. He is on the 5/6 year old team and since he just turned five, he is one of the youngest on the team. Some of the boys are almost 7. So there is a wide variety of abilities.

But that is not what is so frustrating for us. It is the total and utter lack of concentration on Jack's part. When he is on the field, while all the other boys are paying attention and fielding the ball, Jack is in the outfield turning around in circles, shuffling the dirt with his feet, playing with his hat, throwing his glove in the air, pretty much everything BUT paying attention to the game. In fact, the coaches had to go out and tell him to go into the dugout at the end of the inning, when every other player was already in the dugout, except Jack who was turning in circles.

And this is not a laid-back tee ball league, no they keep score, count strikes, have an umpire, the whole shebang. It is the real deal. And for Jack to be in LaLa land is quite frustrating and quite frankly embarrassing. He doesn't seem to care. Even after we had a talk before last night's game when I told him that if he didn't pay attention, he would lose his PS2 game for a week. Well he has lost the game and I just don't know if that is enough to make him care about the tee-ball.

Sigh. Maybe he will get into Taekwondo this summer. So far we are 0-2 with soccer and teeball.


Erin said...

(hugs) This would be Ben in teeball (and soccer), I just know it... it's why we opted for gymnastics. (for the individual activity instead of the team thing) Hopefully Jack will be more into the Taekwondo. Can you cut your losses and call it quits on teeball now or do you have to stick with it? I know it's not good to encourage quitting... but if the kid is just obviously not cut out for it and isn't enjoying it, I'd always consider it an option. It would make me sad to see Ben so miserable/bored/out of his element every week.

Grammy A said...

Happy Birthday Dawn!!!!!
Jack just might not be cut out for sports. Then again he might take to it later. You will certainly know by the time this time next year. Give him a big hug from his Grammy A and papa Give one to yourself from your mom and dad. Sure wish we were there to wish you a happy birthday and give you all a bug hug.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dawn! I agree with both! He shouldn't be playing yet...could be too early....??? Try again next year. Love, Evelyn