Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Teenager at Five??? Or a Demon Seed??

Alright I don't know what has happened lately with the boy, but I swear he has turned into a teenager in the last two weeks at the age of five!

At school, he is graded on his behaviour each day by either a smiley face or a frownie face on the calendar. Well it was the third day of school and he came home with a frownie face! I ask him what was the deal with that and the first thing I get out of him was "do we really need to talk about this?" Well at that moment, I instantly went from a little perturbed about the frownie face, to an 8 on the richtor scale!

It seems that while they were lined up, he reached over and hit and scratched another boy in line and it was totally unprovoked by the other boy. When I asked Jack why he hurt the other boy, he comes up with "because I don't like to stand in line." aye aye aye.

The next day, his teacher told me he had a better day, he "only hit one time". But thankfully he has had smiley faces for the past week.

And then that brings us to tonight when we were at church. There was a teenage boy there who was in a motorcross bike accident a few years ago that resulted in brain damage. He has a bad speech impediment and speaks very slowly. While this boy was talking, I caught Jack sitting there and making fun of the poor boy! I immediately took him outside, gave him a spanking, and a lecture about not making fun of others. When we got home, I was putting him to bed and he looks at me with a defiant look and tells me that he was mad at me for yelling at him. Of course that made my blood pressure raise to sky high levels. I took his stuffed animals away from him and he proceeded to cry and scream for the next 15 minutes.

There are a few things that I will not put up with and being cruel and mean to others is one of them. I do not want Jack to become one of those kids. I know that kids will be kids, but I hope to instill some empathy into him.

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