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Monday, April 21, 2008

Bad Blogger I AM

Sorry ya'll I know it has been awhile and few and far between posts from me lately. Life just seemed to go into warp speed around here. I thought that with the purchase of my new laptop, that I would be posting all the time and boring everybody with my mundane drivel of life. But when I am on the laptop, it is usually doing something with my new business, Arbonne, which has taken up a lot of my time.

So far, the new business has been going great. No, I am not making the $12,000 per month YET, but I can foresee soon. I do know somebody who is making that right now, yes that is her PAYCHECK every month from Arbonne. And there have been hundreds or thousands of women everywhere who are doing it. I just need to work it, to get there. I have a lot of events scheduled in the next couple of weeks. This Thursday, I am part of a "Shoppers Delight" bazaar where I will have a booth giving out free facials if anybody wants one and hopefully booking more shows. Then on Saturday, I am opening my house up for a "Discover Arbonne" event for the entire neighborhood to come and see what we are all about. It is exciting and fun.

In other news, big big news, Jack is now night time potty trained. Yes folks, it took him until he was four to get it down. I admit that it was partly my fault for dragging my feet on the whole subject because he does sleep with me when Jim is on duty and well I just didn't want to deal with the mess in MY bed. But one day I ran out of pullups and just decided to give it a try and lo and behold he made it through the night, which was amazing, because when he had the pullups on, he very rarely woke up dry. Of course, we made a big deal about him being a big big boy now and I just never went to get any more pullups. It has been about three weeks now with no accidents and I am proud to say that after four years, we are a completely diaper/pullup free house!!!

My birthday was fun. Jim took Jack to a local pottery place, where they painted a teapot for me. Yes, it brought tears to my eyes when they gave it to me and Jack was so incredibly proud of himself for painting it. He painted his name on it and Daddy helped him paint, "I love you Mommy". Very cute. I now have plans for Fathers Day, hehe.

We had our anniversary on the 13th and we dumped Jack off with friends and went to a movie and dinner! I do believe that this might have been the fourth or fifth actual date night we have had since Jack was born. We went to the movie 21, which was pretty fun because I spent a lot of time on the MIT campus during college, no I did not go there, just knew somebody who did. I went to Bentley college down the road. But it was fun seeing the place and telling Jim, oh I know that place! The movie was very loosely based on the MIT blackjack team in the early 90's, but of course with some drama thrown in. But I thought it was good.

We then went to Emeril's for dinner. And yes, it was really good. The waiter said Emeril himself comes in quite often and in the kitchen actually cooking. I think that would be cool to have Emeril cook for you. But as you can imagine, it was quite spendy, so I don't think we will be going there again for awhile. After dinner, I decided to try to play some blackjack and ended up losing $5 total, not bad for about 30 minutes of play. Did I ever tell you, that I love to play blackjack?

This last weekend, we celebrated my mother-in-law's 86th birthday here at a restaurant on the beach. She is quite amazing. I hope to be getting around as good and look as good as her when I am 66! It was funny because my brother-in-law brought a cake to the restaurant earlier in the day and told them we were celebrating her 86th birthday. I guess the manager asked if she would need some assistance getting up the 5 steps to the restaurant (the building was built in 1755). He laughed and said that she was the one least needing the assistance. At this rate, she is going to outlive us all I think.

Jack is on his last month of school until he is out for the summer. His last day is May 16th and let me tell you I am mourning the thought of no school. However, I think he has the summer itch and keeps telling me that he "has no school". Once school is out, I am going to have to change up my schedule with the part-time bookkeeping job I have. Right now, I go there 3 mornings a week when he is at school, but after school, I am going to have to figure something out with Jim's work/sleep schedule and whatnot until Laura gets here the first week of July and she can take over babysitting. I am also going to go sign him up this week for swim lessons, which will be everyday for two weeks, just to complicate matters more with the schedule.

Like I said, Life has increased into warp drive speed lately.


Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear from you!!

I understand the "warp speed" thing. I'm up to my ears in graduation & open house stuff!!!!

Enjoy EVERY MINUTE of preschool & beyond!

Take care,

Steffie B. said...

I'll never be free up pull ups and diapers! lol Lucky you! ;)