Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, March 30, 2008

You Wanna Know What Embarrassment Is?

So Jack loves to go to church. He has a ton of friends at church. He loves our Pastor. He just loves the whole experience and I love that he loves it. However, he might be just a bit too enthusiastic about it at times.

Every week, our pastor has a children's story where all the children go down and sit on the floor to listen to his sermon to them. Afterwards, they all go to children's church to let us adults enjoy the sermon in peace, child-free. For a few months now, Jack has been the comical relief during this story time. Last week, the Pastor was talking about we are all invited to God's party and Jack got up and yelled out that he likes to dance and proceeded to show everybody his moves he has.

So basically every week when it is time for the children's story, just about the whole entire church will look over at me as if to say "what is Jack going to do this week". Well this week, he trumped all past antics. First of all, he always yells out "whoohooo" when it is time to go down and listen, which always cracks everybody up. This week, he got down there, sat down and Pastor Stephen started to talk. About 30 seconds into the story, JIM'S son (cause mine wouldn't do this) yelled out for everybody to hear "I Farted!". I was mortified! I looked at Jim with an astonished look on my face. I was thinking to myself "oh he did not just say that". But sure enough he did. And everyone in the church was looking at me trying their best not to laugh too loud. Me? I just wanted to slink under the pew.

My only question is what is he going to come up with next week?

1 comment:

-LGirl- said...

Did you read about my Q girl Spitting on the floor of the Department store while wearing a Halloween costume, In Feb!? now that's Embarrassment!