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Monday, November 05, 2007

A little snippet into Jack's school day

When Jim and I were chaperones for Jack's field trip on Friday, we were priviledged to see a little snippet of what goes on during the four hours that he is there each day and let me tell you, it almost made me start to tear up watching it.

Every morning at 8:00 am, the principal comes over the loud speaker and recites the Pledge of Allegiance, then he recites the Pledge to the Bible, which is followed by a morning prayer and then the day's announcements. Well during all this, I watched Jack's class and boy was it heart warming. Mrs. Nix had one little boy hold the flag while the rest of the class held their hands over their hearts during the pledge of allegiance. Then during the pledge to the bible, a little girl held the bible while the class had their heads bowed and continued through the morning prayer. I had no idea that they did that every morning because I am out the door by the time this all happens and Jack tells me absolutely nothing about what he does all day. But I do have to say that I loved seeing the respect being taught for both the flag and the bible.

We also had the priviledge of having Mrs. Nix riding in our car to the field trip. It was really nice getting to know her on a one-on-one basis. She is a very nice woman who is a saint in my opinion for dealing with ten three-year-olds every day. She also told us that Jack was not one of her "challenging" children. She said that there are four in her class that are very aggressive and can be trouble makers, but Jack is the opposite. In fact, she said that she is proud that Jack is starting to stick up for himself a bit and won't let the aggressive kids run all over him. Of course that made me feel very proud in the least. It is good to know that my child is not one of the "challenging" kids.

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