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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

After Election Thoughts

First off I want to say that I am proud of America that we can look past racial issues and elect a black man. I am equally proud that we were thiiiisss close to having a woman in the white house, whether president or vice-president. I think that really does say that we as a collective can look beyond what the person is, but who the person is. Something that America could not do when I was born. We have come a long way.

However, Mr. Obama, simply scares me. I truly believe that our founding fathers were brilliant when they drafted the constitution. And when I hear Mr. Obama say that he wants the Supreme Court to change the constitution to become more "distributive" and spread the wealth, I am scared. Very scared. The constitution is what has made America great since the beginning. It sets us apart. It makes all men equal with the ability to pursuit happiness. It gives us the freedom of speech, religious freedom, and justice and liberty for all. Those words are not just words, they are the foundation to this great country. The American dream is to work hard and pursuit success and happiness. It does not mean that the government automatically grants you financial wealth, it means you have equal opportunity to make something of yourself as everybody else. Mr. Obama wants to take that away from us. He wants to spread our wealth around. He wants to take away the drive to make oneself greater. And to some degree, I am confident, he will get his way. Which brings me back to being scared. Because if he can change the constitution in that regard, what else can change? My freedom to worship my God the way that I want? My freedom to write this blog saying that I am scared? My freedom all together?

We must not forget what the constitution stands for. We have to continue to teach it in schools. Our children must know that our founding fathers wanted this country to be the best in the world. The idea that people governing the people was so completely foreign at that time, it was revolutionary. And we can not lose our freedom. We can not lose our dream. We can not lose America, no matter who the president is.


Kelli said...

Well said and I share your concerns. :S

Keep praying.

Heidi said...

I totally agree with you!!!

Anonymous said...

Not only do so many of us agree with you completely, but your father and myself are so proud of you saying what we all are feeling in our hearts at this time.

Anonymous said...

Amen Sister!

My pastor said if Obahma is elected, pray harder.

I am sure that there are a lot of people on their knees.

We as Americans and Christians MUST speak up and stand up as you have done here.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I respectfully disagree with you. I believe in Obama and I believe in the change he will bring to our country. He is not going to change the constitution but he is going to make life better for a lot of people who ARE working their butts off but can't get past the ground floor.
I am Christian and I have a strong relationship with God and Jesus and my prayers have been answered, I hope yours are too.
We shall see how the next few years go...