Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Boy ... Five Years Old!

I can not believe I am writing your 5th birthday post. How is it that it has been five years since you and I met? We sure have been through a lot in the last five years, but I can say that you have changed my life in so many positive ways. You have taught me to be a better person through mothering you and I have to say that I am so incredibly lucky and blessed to be your mother.

Let's see what you have been up to in the last year. The first thing that pops into my head is your vocabulary has exploded in the last year. Oh my goodness you can come up with some zingers and make everybody around laugh so hard. I am not sure what level of vocabulary a typical five-year-old has, but I am positive that you more than exceed it. One time we were in the van and following Aunt Ann in her car. She proceeds to run a red light right in front of us and of course Daddy, the cop, has to call her and tell her that she did a no no. But you had to proclaim to everybody that you were "so Humiliated". You are very expressive and will use words like "adorable" "beautiful" and "attractive". It seems like everyday I am asking you where you heard this word or that word.

Speaking of words, you have started to read this year. You are constantly asking me how words are spelled. I really hope that you have a love of reading like I do when you grow up. But right now, I understand it is a frustration for you and we can only spend about 15 minutes reading your beginning reader books. I am so proud of you.

I would have to say right now that your forte is talking. I swear child that you could talk to a wall and have a conversation. You love to talk. There are some days that I pick you up from school and you barely take a breath talking and asking me questions. And your questions are very insightful for your age. Your topics range from death, God and Jesus, to the planets and how things grow on Earth. All very weighty subjects for a five-year-old and your poor mother trying to answer the questions!

You are very aware of your age and how long you have been around. You are constantly comparing to when you were a "three-year-older". You also want to be a "big kid" so incredibly fast. When I take you to school, you will look up to the high school kids with such awe and reverence like they are gods. And you are constantly asking me when you can go to big kid school. You are growing up way too fast, can you just slow down a bit?

You will start kindergarten this fall and start going to school all day long, an extra 3 hours per day. You are so ready for this big leap, however I am not so sure I am ready for it. I really do love our afternoons together. You are my buddy helping me run errands or going to lunch just the two of us. I am going to miss those three hours with my Jackaroo come fall. But I know that the school years is a time when you need to establish yourself independent of me and your Dad. But I am still going to be the room Mom and go to all your little parties while you still want me there. Because I know there will come a time when you will not want Mom showing up at school with cookies and cupcakes. I also know there will be a time when you will not rush to give me a big hug when I come pick you up and tell me that you love me right there in front of all your friends. So I am soaking it up all I can right now.

I have to say that you have one of the most tender hearts of anybody I know. You are truly a sweet and giving boy who shows love and compassion so incredibly easily. You are so giving and sharing that you will share the last of your cookies with anybody who asks. Your family is very important to you, including all of your grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. It is so much fun to sit and watch you at family gatherings as you make your rounds from one family member to the next doling out your brand of Jackaroo love. You are also one of the most loved kids in the world as you gather up all the hugs and kisses you can get.

Here I am going on and on about how wonderful you are and you are probably wondering about the bad side of Jack. Well to be honest, there is a very very small "bad" side. I can not remember the last time your father nor I had to spank you. Yes we have to get on you to clean up your toys and eat your vegetables, but for 98% of the time you are a joy to be around. You constantly amaze me at how wonderful you really are. When we took Brandi in a few weeks ago, I was afraid that you would be jealous and show it in many ways. But you accepted her as a new sister and show her such complete and true love that has me stunned. Even when our focus is on Brandi and her issues, you do not try to compete for our attention. It is as though you understand that Brandi needs us and you are not threatened by her. You understand that you have Mom and Dad's unconditional love and now Brandi needs that same love. Again, you are wise beyond your years.

And that brings me to your faith. I know they say that everyone needs to have the faith of a child, and in your case, it is the truth. I love to listen to you pray at the dinner table and at night before bed. It has taken me 40 years to get to the level of faith that you possess in your short five years.

As always, I will always be there for you Baby Boy. I can not wait to see what the future holds for you. I look forward to watching you grow into a young man that I know I will be proud of. This is a big birthday for you. You are no longer a baby and you have all of your school years ahead of you and all that entails.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful testomony to your Baby Boy who has reached another mile stone in his dear life. What a joy he has been for his grammy and papa. We also are so proud of you dear daughter. How incredible happy you all have made us.

Anonymous said...


What a touching letter for Jack. You have been so very faithful in writing your thoughts as his Mom over the last 5 years. They will be a definite treasure to him when he is grown. Keep it up.

I just recently did a Precious Memories book for my daughter's 30th birthday with my thoughts as well as picture of her growing up through the years. She loved it. I'm doing one for my son's 35th birthday in June. I think he'll be surprised.

Enjoy every moment of Jack's growing up years. Each stage has its own special times.

Judy Huffman