Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Big Big Boy

I took Jack to the new pediatrician yesterday. It was mainly just to get to know the doctor type thing and I was very pleasantly surprised with just how nice and thorough he was. He asked the usual questions about his birth weight and how far along I was when I had him. I told him that I was induced at 37 weeks after a very long 5 weeks of bedrest and then made him laugh when I asked him if there was anyway he could put me on bedrest just for a day or two!

He asked me if he naps and then it was my turn to laugh because the kid will NOT nap. I try everyday to put him down, but he gets up. He said that it was early for him to stop taking naps, that it usually happens somewhere between 3 and 4 - NOT 2 1/2. Lucky me. I get the one who won't nap. Yay! And believe me I have been praying for a nap the last week because of the cold crud that will not leave me.

Then the doctor was amazed at Jack's level of language development. Jack, at one point looked at me and said "I do not like the doctor Mama. I want to go home." right in front of the doctor. He said that he was early for that also. Most kids I guess do not form two and three complete sentences. I told him that Jack and I have full blown conversations about things. Of course those things usually are about his choo choos, trucks, or cars, but they are important to him.

And his newest stats? I knew he was getting big, but when the nurse told me the numbers, I was flabbergasted. He is 34lbs (even tho at the vets he was over 35?) and 38 1/2 inches tall! He has grown 3 inches since his 2 year checkup! No wonder I had to go buy all new clothes for the kid! And he will not let me forget it either. He is telling me everyday "I am a big boy Mama!". Yes he is.

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