Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to everybody. Jack went to his preschool party today. Of course it wasn't a "halloween" party because it is a church preschool and they don't allow all the scary and evil halloween stuff. Instead it was called "Fall Festival" and the theme was a hoedown, which basically cinched the costume for this year. Unlike last year where I scoured the internet looking at costumes for weeks, this year I really had not given it much thought until a couple weeks ago when I read what the preschool theme was going to be. So all I had to buy was a flannel shirt and a fake US Marshall badge and added his cowboy hat, cowboy boots and a pair of jeans. Voila! A costume! Jim of course actually bought him a holster with six-shooters and I very quickly nixed that idea. Just wrong on so many levels. I don't want him to think they are toys, especially since we have those in the house (locked in the safe of course) because of Jim's occupation. But also there was no way that the church preschool was going to let him in wearing those things.

So I present to you Marshall Jack:

The preschool party was held outside on their playground. And can you tell they were just a wee bit excited about the whole thing? Here they are watching the helpers setup outside.

Jack with the sand. He actually played here for about half the party. At one point another little boy threw sand in his face and smacked the sifter out of Jack's hand. Jack did not take that laying down. He leaned over the table and growled at the boy and then hit the boy's sifter too. I thought we were going to have a sand-table brawl.

Then it was onto the painting table. They had cut up fruits and vegetables for the kids to paint and use them as stamps onto the paper. Very ingenius I thought. Of course Jack walked away with paint everywhere on his shirt, pants, and even his hat.

He also got a pumpkin and a happy face painted onto his face. But that did not last long because by the time we got home, both were smeared all over his face. However, he was quite upset when he saw his hat had paint on it. We were driving home and he exclaims all of a sudden "This Is Terrible!". I asked him what was terrible and he said his hat "was filthy". I also got a pumpkin painted on my face and it is still there, unlike Jack.

And the party ended up with a big fall festival feast of crackers, cheese, goldfish, and rice krispy treats. mmmmm.

Here he is being a smarty pants making funny faces for the camera. Such a silly boy he is.

We are not going trick-or-treating tonight because we have to drive up to Jim's mother's house tonight. Jim is having surgery (finally after a two-year saga) to remove his nasal polyps. But he had to do it in his home town because there were NO ent doctors here who took Tricare Insurance. Sad because there are a ton of military people here and no ent doctors who take their insurance.

But we are going to Grammy C's church for their children's halloween party where I am sure he will be getting some more candy. Just what we need. I admit that I was quite relieved not to have to deal with the whole trick-or-treat thing this year. You know who (me) usually ends up eating way more than I should.

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures of my grandson Jack. Where has my baby grandson gone to? He is all grown up now. Keep him small for another couple of weeks until Grammy A and PaPa can see him again.