Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, October 13, 2006

Thanks Jim

It was 7 am this morning. I was in Jack's room dealing with a temper tantrum because he did not want me to clean up his room and I had the audacity to put his Little People farm on the bookshelf. The doorbell rings. I go to answer it and it is Jim. He was on duty and he hands me this:
Yes that is right. He hands me a puppy (looks like a Rotweiler but don't know) who is probably no more than 2 weeks old. He also hands me a can of the puppy formula with syringes. I guess somebody found it on the side of the road and turned it in to the police station. And Jim being the big softie that he is could not let the thing go to the animal shelter where it would most likely be destroyed. So he brings it to our house! And he even prefaced it all by saying "I know you are going to kick my a$$, but I didn't know what else to do." Boy is he right. So I take the puppy in and Jack falls in love with the thing in about 3 seconds. I was holding the puppy and I said that he needed a blanket. Jack up and runs to his room and brings out his comforter from his bed for the puppy. Of course we did not use the Pottery Barn overpriced comforter, but an old towel. And it has been over two hours and the boy has stayed by the puppy cooing and awwing saying that he loves the puppy. Oy.

So now what do I do? I have to go to Petsmart today anyway to buy dog food for the other two dogs that we ignore most of the time. I think I will ask there about giving him up for adoption. I know we can not keep it. We have four animals right now that drive me absolutely insane. We spend a fortune on them with their vet bills and food. But the thing is, it is so cute and cuddly and even *I* are having thoughts about keeping the stupid thing. But no no no we can not keep it. No Way!

Thanks Jim!

1 comment:

RB said...

As perturbed as I would be, what a sweet husband you have!