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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Not Long Enough

Jack's preschool is just not long enough. I need more time people. I dropped Jack off at preschool today and then drove home with these big plans of doing more painting and laundry, and organizing Jack's room, and and and.... yeah the list can go on and on. However, since I am trying to recover from a nasty cold I caught a couple of days ago, all I want to do is go to bed and sleep and sleep and sleep. However, I can not do that because I have to leave to go pick up Jack in an hour. Thank goodness Jim was home on Monday and Tuesday so that I could indeed be lazy and sleep off the nasty bug that invaded my body. It was heaven. Especially since he had worked for five days straight before Monday for 12 hours a day. Talk about a long weekend.

Oh and also to update on our house of horrors. I noticed my carpet in front of Jack's bathroom was wet and by the end of that day, it was down right soaked. So the next day (last Thursday) I called the builder about the apparent leak and they sent out a plumber to look at it. He hemmed and hawwed for a few minutes, scratched his head, shrugged his shoulders and said that he couldn't figure it out. The only thing he did do was find where the leak originated, in our guest bedroom closet that we do not open because it is full of boxes. And upon discovering the leak there, we found several boxes soaked. Lovely. So the Chem Dry people were called and they came and tore up the affected carpet and tore out the now ruined pad. I guess they treated it for mold and threw a couple of blowers in my hallway and closet to dry it up. Nothing was done over the weekend, except we had these very loud air blowers going 24/7.

So yesterday, the plumber came back out and tore a big hole in my bathroom wall in search of the elusive leak. They did find a leak from my jacuzzi tub, but that wasn't THE leak since we had not even turned that tub on yet. So after a few hours of having plumbers in my house, the opinion now is that it is a roof leak. So the roofing guy was called and yep sure enough there is a leak in the roof. Yay. So to sum it all up, I still have ripped up carpet with no padding. It is fun to play the game - try not to step on the tack strips. I have a big hole in my bathroom. I have drywall that needs to be replaced. AND I still have a roof leak because they didn't have the right stuff to fix it.

And now I am really wondering about this house and whether it is going to fall down around me in the middle of the night. Now I know why the price was so right.


Anonymous said...

That is positively AWFUL that you have to deal with that kind of crap in your new house. I feel for you.

Claire said...

That just sucks. You can get the stupid builder to pay for the repairs, right? Right???