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Monday, October 16, 2006

Update on Jackaroo World

I realize that I just have not been updating this blog like I should. The biggest excuse for that is the lack of naptimes. My time seems to be divided between Jack and his wanting me to play choo choos or puzzles all the time and the house which is still not settled. I am now tackling Laura's room in hopes to get it all set up for her when she comes for a visit in less than two weeks. I don't want her to feel like she is no longer a part of our family and really want her to have a nice room. But at the moment, her room is full of boxes. So to get back to my point, that leaves little or no internet time. Sad, I know.

I also want to thank everybody for their comments. I really appreciate them and even though I don't always comment back, I always appreciate knowing there are people out there reading my ramblings about motherhood and lack of naps. Thanks Judy for letting me know that there are in fact other mothers out there who have gone through this and have survived and come out the other end successfully. Motherhood sure can feel lonely at times. And Rbelle, yes my husband is the sweetest. He has the kindest heart and I am seeing Jack take after him in that regard.

Speaking of the puppy, I was going to post some really cute pictures of Jack and the puppy, but it seems blogger is not liking my pictures or something and ate them. I will try to post them later. Anyway, we no longer have him. I took him to the Humane Society on Saturday. I had Jack with me and had to tell him that I was taking him back to his Mama and not the real truth. It turns out that he was not a rottweiler like I thought and was probably closer to 4 weeks old and it was quite possible that he was sick. He definitely had worms and possibly Parvo, which makes me very nervous because I have a dog who has not been vacinated in years because she is highly allergic to the vaccinations and could be deadly to her. The lady said that they would do everything they could to save him, but there is no guarantee. I don't really want to know what happens to him to be honest. I think I took it harder than Jack saying goodbye to the little thing. I gave him a bottle just before we left and the maternal instict sure was kicking in with that little puppy. He was a cutie. But I did NOT like the whining and crying that he did all night long. Even though we locked him in the laundry room, he still kept me up most of the night. And I was having flashbacks to the first few months of Jack's life. There are some things that I don't miss about the baby stage and that is one of them.

Speaking of Jack, I took a really cute picture of him this morning (thanks Blogger for not being able to show it). He was dressed for school and looking like the big boy that he is. Jim even combed his hair and everything. When it is up to me, I usually just let Jack's hair do whatever. As long as it is not sticking up all over, I figure that is good.

Another update on the house is we got our built-in office put in about a week ago. We now have a really nice place for me to blog and I just don't have the time to do it. And we have so much storage for books and whatnot that I even have all my books from my childhood stored in there along with college textbooks and we still have empty shelves. How fun is that? Again, picture forthcoming when I can.

Oh and I also had pictures of Jack feeding the ducks at the lake in our neighborhood yesterday. Cute. Sorry y'all couldn't see them yet.

So that is it for the updates. We had a very rainy day here today, but it was hot, which is really weird for me. After living in Seattle for 9 years, I always equate rain with cold and then in California well there was no rain for 11 months of the year. But here, it is just strange to have rain coming down with high winds and sweating.

I have been planning to take Jack to the beach and get some good beach pictures, but it seems like something is always preventing it from happening. They have cleaned up the beaches a lot from the hurricane as far as the debris in the water and sand. But it is just so sad to see all the destruction still around and all the poor people having to live in Fema trailers. Sad, but makes you grateful for what you have.

And I am grateful to have my house, Jack, Jim, my family, friends, and all my friends on the internet also. :)

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