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Friday, October 27, 2006


I just want to congratulate two of my fellow bloggy Mommies on becoming pregnant with their second baby: Erin and Mrs. Flinger. Congratulations you guys. You both deserve happy and healthy babies.

All these pregnancy vibes have got me to thinking. Well to be honest, I have been thinking about a second pregnancy almost since the moment Jack popped out. But it does seem to be a protocol or unwritten rule that when your child reaches the age of two, that it is time to get pregnant again. And I have to admit that part of me would love to get pregnant again and see what other little person we can make.

But the realistic side of me says that I am done. Done. Done. Done with the whole baby business. You see, I am old. Way older than Erin and Mrs. Flinger who still have time to have another baby or two. I am looking at the big 4 OH in less than 6 months! OHMAGAH! How and when did that happen. And while I know that other women have babies at that age (Brooke Shields), they are not me. And I really do not think I could do it all over again. I like having nights filled with sleep and NOT crying/screaming babies. I want to get my body back, or I should say the flatish stomach that I used to have pre-July 2003.

So congrats to those who are venturing onto their second pregnancy. Sorry, I will not be joining you. I think some part of me will always wonder about that other child that could have been, but I think all mothers wonder about that in some sort of way. I am not alone there. But I will be sleeping quietly at 2 am in about 9 months or so while you guys will be sleep-deprived. At least I have that!


Mrs. Flinger said...

Thanks for the congrats. And yaknow, I've been wondering if I'm totally insane. I am. We are. Totally.

You don't have to wait 9 months to be ok with your decision to just have one. While we're both hugging the toilet daily, you can go enjoy coffee.

Please have one for me. :-)

-LGirl- said...

I too will be 4 Ohhh in less than 6 months. and I too am done done done!wanna have a sleep over with wine chocolate french cheeses and coffee in the morning!LOL!

Claire said...

I so respect that. I think having a firm idea of how many you want and sticking to that is something everybody should have. Now, if I can just get my hubs to get his dang vasectomy, I can join you in your chorus of Done Done Done!

Erin said...

LOL! Thanks for the congrats! You are so funny...
We may be done after this one (depending on the sex of the baby), but who knows. You know how pregnancy amnesia goes. It would be nice to DONE though... I make SUCH a bad pregnant woman. So I will sit back and envy you for a bit if you don't mind.

And yes, please have a coffee for me because right now? It makes me hurl. :(