Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, September 29, 2006

These Boots Were Made For Walking

So the other night when we were at Old Navy buying out the toddler section, we also bought these cowboy boots for the boy. Now, if it were just me shopping, I probably would have passed them up. But Jim was with us and before I knew it, he had Jack trying them on and he loved them. So we bought them.

Now we have a slight problem. He wears them ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. And he insists upon wearing them with shorts, jammies, or anything he happens to be dressed in. When we went out yesterday, I tried to tell him that he can't wear the cowboy boots with shorts, but the boy does not care one bit about fashion faux pas, so I dressed him a pair of jeans and off we went cowboy boots and all.

Today he was so cute walking around the house with the boots on and putting his toy wrench and toy hammer in his pocket saying that he was going to fix whatever. I kept seeing him putting the wrench on door knobs, turning the wrench around the knob and then yelling "I Did It!". Evidently he was "fixing" the door knobs. He also was pounding on the walls with the toy hammer and saying "bam bam bam". Too cute. Love this stage.


nelly said...

my little man is the same with his bob the builder wellies!! he'd wear them whenever and with whatever, even if he was just in his nappy!! gotta love it =)

Anonymous said...

Jack looks so grown up with his boots on. I can't believe how he has grown up so qickly. He is Grammy's little man and so handsome.

Anonymous said...

Um, is he still a toddler???
He looks like he's around 5 years old in that pic!