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Friday, September 29, 2006

Horror Stories

Being a cop's wife, I am sure that I will hear more horror stories than I want to. Already since starting the job, Jim has told me about going to domestic abuse calls where the woman is crying she still loves the guy who beat the crap outta her, which I think is very stupid and pitiful. He also tells me about the robberies, burglaries, and false alarms around the city.

However, yesterday was his first fatality accident and after hearing it, I don't think I will ever forget it. It has haunted me. There were two ladies ages, 46 and 23 who were driving on the interstate. They were in the middle lane when they suddenly got a flat tire and had to slow down to try to get over. And just at that time, another car changed lanes into the middle car and didn't see the slower car with the flat tire and smashed full speed into their car. Jim said that girl was probably going 70-80 mph and there were no skidmarks or anything. The car with the two ladies was pushed 300 feet killing them instantly. Jim said that their necks snapped by the impact. He said they didn't feel a thing, just bam dead. The other driver lived and was taken to the hospital, but they had to use the jaws of life to get her out of her car.

Of course he also told me about the lady driving having brain matter all over the dashboard and other gruesome details. I have no idea how he could deal with that kind of scene and still be able to do his job. If it was me, I would probably be crying and throwing up all at the same time.

I guess it just goes to show you that you never ever know what the day is going to bring and to relish every single day you have here. Oh and hug your children a little tighter.


Amanda said...

OH that is just horrible.
I am 29 years old. My father is a police officer and he never tells us stories but when something happens close to home I wonder. Sometimes it can be really scary.

So I really understand,I do.

Take care.

Claire said...

When my brother was a freshman in college, one of his suitemates was killed in a car crash when he and some buddies were out to get a snack. My brother could have easily been in the car; they asked him to go. The guy who died was the passenger, and the driver said he saw the guy's head cleaved in two by glass from the windshield. The whole experience was so disturbing to my brother that he is now in his 3rd year of med school, hoping to become an ER physician.

To me, it all just means that people are stupid. Nobody drives thinking that they could kill someone with their car. It's all just a video game to most people, and it sickens me.