Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Always the Ladies Man

We are in trouble. Big trouble. About the time Jack hits oh say 10, he probably will have had more girlfriends than I have had boyfriends in my entire life. You ask why? Let me just tell you that his father has been teaching him things.

Like on Sunday night, we had the uncles over for dinner. The weather has actually turned fallish and for the first time in months, I actually put a pair of jeans on. So I am coming out of the bedroom and Jack sees me and what does he say? Something that he has picked up from his father. He said "ooooohhhhh sexy." Yes that is right, my 2 1/2 year old son called me sexy. I am having future flashes where I see Jack with a whole multitude of girls all over the place.

And tonight, I decided that Jack was in serious need of some long pants. Like me, he has not worn a pair of long pants since May and when I went to try to find a pair of long pants for him tonight, I came up empty. There was no way his jeans or any other button, non-elastic, pants were going to fit. So I put a pair of athletic pants on the boy, only to find they are about 2 inches too short. Can you say growth spurt? Geesh. So, off to Old Navy we all go. And while we were in the store basically buying out their entire toddler boy section, there was another woman there looking at toddler clothes also. She was fairly attractive and about 25 or so. And what does the boy do when he sees her? He goes "wooo wooo" in the same way men whistle at ladies. Yes that is another thing his father taught him. Jim and I just about died laughing and had to run around the corner. And then Jim high fives Jack!! Oh boy am I in trouble or what?

1 comment:

nelly said...

okay!! i am laughing in hysterics (or i would be if i didn't have a sleeping 4 month old next to me!!) that is too funny!!!
jack definitely is going to be a charmer!!