Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, September 08, 2006

We jumped the hurdles ... maybe

I think that if we stand on our head, shake our feet, and jump around in a circle 12 times, we might just might close on our house today. Of course yesterday I was feeling good about the whole thing until the closer called and said "oh didn't you know, we need X piece of paper". I go "uhhhhhh nope did not know that. Ummmmm don't have that particular piece of paper." After which she responded "well the close hinges on that piece of paper." And I go "ummmm well I guess I need to make some phone calls to get you the oh-so-very-important-can-not-live-without-that piece of paper." And she said "yep". Oh and because this is the south, she ended it with "baby" and "bless your heart" because in the south you can be rude but putting in a baby and a bless your heart makes it all okay.

But she was nice, I was just frustrated. So after maybe 4 or 5 phone calls between California and Mississippi, I do believe that they got the oh-so-very-important piece of paper.

At this very moment, we are set to close at 3pm and get our keys to our new house then. But because this has been THE wildest roller coaster ride of my entire life, I am betting on a few more glitches between now and then. But I also am betting that we actually DO get into the house today because the movers are set up to arrive first thing tomorrow morning. Of course I had to pay half of buuukoo bucks to get that to happen on a Saturday, but it was only half of the major buuukooo small fortune bucks that we would have had to pay if we did not close today. So I am happy, sorta. I do so hate to be parted with my money for stupid things like that.

Speaking of parting with my money, we went out and spent a small fortune buukkoo bucks on new furniture yesterday. We get to receive on Wednesday (Jim's birthday so I don't have to get him anything else, he gets a small fortune of furniture HA!) a new bedroom set (yay king size, Jim gets his whole side hehehe), a new dining room table with china hutch (I have never owned a china hutch before, now I do yay!) and an entertainment center for our big screen tv. The same tv that we were going to sell and buy a small fortune new tv, but because we didn't get the money we wanted for the house and the moving company is getting half of Jack's college education, decided to wait on the new tv. See, I can sacrifice.

We also have spured the economy even more by purchasing new washer, dryer and refrigerator. That was needed, well mostly. We couldn't bring our gas dryer into a no gas house (gonna miss my gas stove immensely) and the house does not have a refrigerator and well I also wanted a matching washer dryer ya know. So of course got the nice new front loading with pedastals.

Well that is the news as of right now. Jack is awake and calling me. Will try to update later.


Carolyn said...

I hope everything goes smoothly today and you are in your house tomorrow when the movers come! It has sure been a rough ride for you but you are almost there. Woo Hoo.

Oh, and I LOVE my front load washer and dryer...except we didn't get the pedestals and those are so necessary to save your back. I just make Brandon help me though since he is the right height.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, Your dad and myself are pulling for you and Jim to have the keys at 3:00 pm. Love you all, Grammy and papa. Happy Birthday Jim on Wednesday!!!!