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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Joy Joy (warning grossness involved)

It seems that something awful has invaded our house. On Thanksgiving night, Jim awoke and started throwing up and continued that for the next 4 days straight. Oh and there was also diarhea involved. He finally went to the doctor on Monday, who told him, "yep you have a stomach bug". Can you say "DUH!" He is now feeling better and is now about 10 lbs lighter (hate him).

So last night, it seemed like it worked its way into Jack. He was having trouble sleeping last night. He woke up around 11:30 and I got up to get him some milk, which usually puts him right back to sleep. Not this time. He spewed that milk and all the french fries from dinner all over his room about 15 minutes later. And when I say all over, I mean ALL OVER his room. So I got him cleaned up and the room stripped of all ickies and took him out to lay on the couch. He watched Thomas for the next two hours and around 2:30, I decided to take him to bed with me in the guest bed.

He woke up this morning and seemed fine. He was running and playing and being his usual self. I thought it was a one-time thing. He said he was hungry and wanted yogurt (not the best choice, I found out). About 10 minutes after finishing the yogurt, he had the biggest diarhea mess ever. I mean it was everywhere as in running down his leg and out onto the carpet, which he stepped in and tracked all over. I had just changed him and his diaper was overflowing. Gross Gross Gross.

He will be going to the doctor today. I just hope that it doesn't last as long as it did with Jim because the poor little thing will miss out on a lot of fun days coming up in school and elsewhere.

And if I get it, I will personally slap Jim silly for bringing home that crud in the first place!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I am so sorry that you all must endure all of this stomach flu now. I just hope all is ok before too much longer now. Love and prayers for all of you.