Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, December 01, 2006

Rotovirus... Or Maybe Not

Well we took the boy to the doctor yesterday and he thinks that Jack has the rotovirus. Now when he first said that, I thought it was some deadly disease, but my fears were soon calmed when I found out that the disease I was thinking of was the hauntevirus (sp?).

So the doctor went on this big tangent of how I was exposed to the toxic sludge, otherwise known as Jack's puke and diarhea. Seriously people, he scared me! I guess one little drop of the stuff on you pretty much guarantees that you too will be able to enjoy the good times of puking up your lungs or having them come out the other end. Sounds like fun eh? He also told us to get Jack what is called "Rehydrolite". He said that Pedialyte is basically worthless. And went on about the schedule of eating and drinking for the next couple of days.

But, the thing is, the kid is doing great. He has not had any symptoms of the horrible virus since yesterday morning and the "diaper incident". He even snuck 2 cookies out of the pantry while I was not looking and ate those. And when I asked him if he had any cookies, all he said was "huh?" with this face full of crumbs and chocolate. And since he was able to down those with no problems, I am guessing we are over it for the time being. I just hope that I don't get to enjoy all the fun that Jack and Daddy have had in the last few days.

So today was our first day back to just Jack and I together. We had Grammy, Papa, and Laura visiting us and then Jim got sick and was off work for a week since Thanksgiving. He went back to work today, leaving Jack and I to come up with stuff to do together. Of course, I have a pile of laundry a mile high to do and there's always the toilets the clean, but who really wants to do that? I may take Jack to the movie Happy Feet later on if he is still feeling better.

And after trying about 12 times to get a picture of myself that I don't hate too much, I came up with this to show you all my new hairdo.


Anonymous said...

Dawn, you look great with your hair shorter now. I just love it. I see my Jack peeking around too. ha ha

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Looks great!