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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ugh Nights

I hate Jim's schedule. Hate it. It was hard enough trying to keep it all straight when he was on days, but now it is downright impossible. He works two days on two days off three days on and three days off. So basically every other week he has a three day weekend. Everytime I try to plan something, I have to sit and think for about 10 minutes to see where it falls in his work rotation. When he was on days, I actually liked the schedule because it meant more family time, or I should say more relief time for me.

But now he is on nights. And it changes every single thing. Like just now, I tried to schedule to have the pest control people come and spray for the nasty critters we have running rampant in our house. Yuck. And I knew that Jim has Wednesday and Thursday off, so I said that Thursday would be good day. I thought today was Tuesday because in my brain he worked today, as in just got home from work, and it couldn't be Wednesday because he doesn't work on Wednesday. When the lady told me that she had me down for TOMORROW, I actually started to argue with her because I KNEW today was Tuesday. It was only after telling her that I would call back to schedule another time, that it dawned on me that yes indeed it is Wednesday. UGH. My head hurts.

So now I need to find a time when I can get me, Jack, dogs, AND cats out of the house for hours and have it NOT interfere with Jim's sleep time. I need ALOT more coffee before I can figure that major puzzle out!!

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