Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas Programs Galore!

Jack has been in two Christmas programs in the past week. The first was at his school program. Below you can see pics and a short video of the very important proceeding.

Jack all dressed up in his choo choo sweater vest AND a tie. Very handsome.

Jack on stage. Notice the little boy sitting two steps below him. That is Kyle, his best friend and when I mean best friend, I mean he talks about Kyle all the time, everyday. Anyway, Kyle it seems was having a major case of stage fright. His parents were sitting next to us and his Mom asked me if he wasn't the most pathetic thing. And yes he was. In the video below, you will see Jack trying to comfort Kyle. It is the cutest thing.

And here is where all the kids surrounded the manger and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. The cuteness factor was at an all-time high.

The second program was this morning at church. They were having their annual children's play acting out the nativity scene. Again, the cuteness factor way up there. Anyway, Jack was one of the sheep in the flock. However, Jack being Jack, he would NOT wear the little sheep hat with the sheep ears. No, he was the only two-year-old up there who did not look like a sheep. You just kinda had to imagine him being a sheep I guess. Jim could not go today because he was on duty and I seemed to have forgotten the camera, even my camera phone was left at home. So you will just have to trust me in that it was very cute.


Anonymous said...

Jack is so darling and not one tiny bit scared of being in front of people. I saw where he was tring to comfort Kyle.

Anonymous said...

That's so cool! What a handsome little guy! I can't wait until Mo starts to participate in this stuff. Unfortunately, there hasn't been any such opportunities for her!