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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

School Time

Well we did it. Jim and I signed Jack up for a private school today. He will start their Pre-K program in August of 2008. I know that sounds like a long time from now, but when I thought about it, it is only a year and a half away!

This school is awesome. It is a small school where they limit the class size to 16 and in each class they have a teacher with a teacher's aide. The curriculum includes math, social studies, spanish, music, and they even learn latin! They also have band, swimming team, and other sports. All the kids wear uniforms with the school crest on the shirts, which are so cute. I tell ya, I was so impressed with this school, I almost wished that Jack was 4 already so he could go. But then I realized, that I really only have less than 2 years left with him at home until he is off to school in his own world and that got me a little bit sad. The time goes by way too fast. But I feel really good knowing that he will be going to the top-rated school in the state and one of the best in the country.

I was having quite the quandry knowing that the school district we are in is not very good. In fact, it is one of the worst in the city and in the state of Mississippi. It is way too overcrowded, because this is where all the population has moved since the hurricane and they have had nothing but problems. Every time I talked to somebody, they kept telling me that they would not put their kid in that school disctrict. We couldn't really move because Jim has to be in a certain area for his job as a police officer and after that last move, I am not going to do that again anytime soon. So this was our other option. Of course, by the time we get him through 8th grade, we will have paid for the equivalent of a college education at Harvard, but I feel it is worth the sacrifice. He is worth it.


Anonymous said...

So Glad you decided on this school for Jack. He is worth the whole world.

-LGirl- said...

Sounds great. It's nice to have peace of mind.
We don't start school here until the child turns 5yo. I get an extra year thank goodness.

Erin said...

We're going with private school too, even though we live in a pretty nice school district. (not the "best" in the county, but near the top) I just feel like why not give your child that opportunity if you are financially able to? It may mean some sacrifices on our part, but again, I really believe it's worth it in the long run.

I experienced both... went to private school from K-7th and then public school from 8-12th. Though I feel I got a good education in public school, (mostly because I was in AP classes), I thrived in the private school... there is a lot to be said for small class size.

I didn't realize now was the time to start looking into signing them up though!! Ack!