Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Making Up for lost time

It has been a few days since I have updated my blog and that is simply because of the sheer amount of activity that has been going on around here.

We had Grammy and Papa A. visit us from Michigan for Thanksgiving. It was nice to spend sometime with them and Jack sure enjoyed all the attention/spoiling that he received from them.

Below are some pictures from Jack's Thanksgiving program at school. It was the cutest thing to watch. Jack's class were the turkeys with the turkey hats on. He was sat in the very middle of the stage and I think more than a few people were snickering at him as he sat there ripping up a piece of paper and throwing it at everybody. Then he decided to take his turkey hat off about 300 times and then he thought it would be neat to take the hats off of the kids around him and put them back on their heads. He basically was doing everything BUT singing or whatever else he was supposed to do. But it was priceless.

Here is a little video. He is the one in the red in the middle. As you can see he really got it into the whole thing.

While the grandparents were here, we went walking through some gift shops in one of the casinos here in town and found this:
Of course the grandparents bought him the fireman rain coat and boots. If the fire truck was for sale, I am sure that would be sitting in our house at this moment also. Can you say spoiled child? And yes, the boy absolutely loves the coat and boots. He wears the boots all over the house and wants to wear them outside whenever we go somewhere and has a fit when we don't let him wear them or the rain coat every single day.

We had a really great Thanksgiving here at our house. Jim had to work that day so we had a late dinner, but everything went off really well and they seemed to enjoy themselves. So I believe the first holiday gathering in our new house was a hit. Jim got sick, as in throwing up all night long sick, that night, but thank goodness he was the only one in the family who got sick or else I would have been paranoid about my cooking! I am just going to blame it on what he had at work for lunch.

I hope everybody had a Happy Thanksgiving and now let the shopping begin! Yikes! And I haven't even started! That thought alone is freaking me out because I usually have most, if not all the shopping done by now. Happy Shopping!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the video. Your dad and myself played it and laughed right out loud. Thank you all for a wonderful time. We are planning to be home tomorrow afternoon.