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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Start Early These Days

So yesterday Jack came home from school (preschool K4 for those not playing at home) and told me that his friend Tanner has a girlfriend! This is how the conversation went:

Me: that is nice that he has a friend that is a girl

Jack: no Mom he has a girrrlllfriend. You know.

Me: how do you know this?

Jack: he told me and her name is Kara and she is his girrrlllfffrriiieend.

Me: (slightly freaking out) you don't have a girlfriend do you?

Jack: no! girl pooties (his word for cooties)

So there you have it my son's four-year-old friend has a girlfriend! Now this is the child that is in trouble everyday and had so many spankings in the Principal's office last year that his Mom lost count. He is also the kid that more than one mother requested their child NOT to be in the class with him this year. I am kinda rethinking my decision to give the kid a break and let Jack be in the same class.

He is definitely the class leader and the "bad influence" (at FOUR). Jack's teacher talked to me last week about Jack pushing another K3 child on the playground and then laughing about it. That is all Tanner and his teacher told me as much. Mrs. Nix (Jacks teacher from last year) was on the playground at the same time and said she could not believe that Jack did that and it was the influence from Tanner who told him to do it. Of course, we had a long talk about nice boys and playing nice and if I hear he does that again, he will be in time-out with NO toys for a very long time.

Ugh, who knew that Junior High playground antics started in Preschool! Geesh!

In other news, I seem to have caught some super-bug or something. I was down for the count most of the weekend, even on Jim's birthday on Saturday. We ended up doing nothing for his birthday because I was pretty much comatose that day. The super-bug has now travelled down into my chest and this morning, I do believe I coughed up a lung or two. Fun stuff.

Yeah and I can probably blame the preschool for the super-bug also!


-LGirl- said...

So even the PreK gals like a Bad boy!LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dawn! =) Yes, they do start young when in school! =/ Even Preschool! And yes!, it is almost a certainty that the Super-Bug came from there too! I'm surprised that Jack didn't get it first tho'! My grandsons go to the city schools. From Head Start to now, Kindergarten and 1st grade! The oldest has been shockingly bad in school and his parents have been called way too many times!! =( And he was never a Bad kid!!! Neither of them Anyways, they are going to be moving into the school district that our kids went to soon!! It is very similar to a Pennfield/Harper Creek combination. So hopefully they will start to improve!! I wish you luck with Jack! That he will pay attention to your values/corrections/etc. And yes, it would be a good idea to separate them.... Oh yeah....Jack is SOOOOooo CUTE!!! =) Love, Evelyn