Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Pictures Galore

I dumped a bunch of pictures off my camera, so I thought I would share a few of them with you.

Jack and Molly the crazy dog.

Jack came home the other day with his first official "homework". He was so proud and excited to have "homework". And because this was such a momentous occasion, I had to take pictures. The "homework" was having to write his name a few times on the paper. Below are pictures of the intense concentration of the boy doing his "homework".

We went to the corn maze last weekend keeping up the tradition we started last year. Jack showing the corn.

Which path should we take?

Jack with the "really super duper heavy pumpkin".

Jack and Daddy with pumpkin. Sorry this was not rotated.

Halloween 2008 - I give you Red Power Ranger. Can you feel the power?

More of the power ranger

Jack and his trick-or-treating pals. We had Gabriella (from HS Musical) and the Pink Power Ranger with us last night or also known as Cori and Allison.

One of the cool decorated houses in the neighborhood.

Jack and his girls - holding hands.

After trick or treating, we went to our neighbor's house and met up with more friends from church and their little girl who is Super Girl in the picture.

Halloween was quite the adventure this year. We went out and hit a little over half of the 170 houses in our neighborhood. It lasted about an hour and a half and by the end all three kids had their containers overflowing with candy. At one point, I had to stuff some into my pocket to relieve the pressure from Jack's pumpkin. Anybody need any candy? We got it.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Dawn!! LOL Great Pics!! And looks like y'all had LOADS of FUN!! =) Love, Evelyn

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures. I love them all, but expecially the one of Jack doing his homework. He is growing up so fast. Can't wait to see you all at Christmas time.Love, Grammy A an Papa.