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Sunday, May 04, 2008

A Rainy May Fest Day

Yesterday our church had a May Fest. I was part of a group of people who have worked very very hard for that day. In particular, my neighbor Sonia, has worked her butt off getting donations and making sure the word got out to get people to come. We had planned for a ton of games for the kids, crafts, face painting, bounce houses, a bounce obstacle course, cotton candy, smoothies, food, and vendor booths. I bought a vendor booth for my Arbonne. It was going to be a perfect day. Until the weather forecast called for rain on Saturday. So on Friday night, we cleared out the sanctuary and fellowship hall in our "just in case it rains" policy to move everything inside.

And it did rain - big time. I was so disappointed because I know people worked so hard on this day, but by the end of the day yesterday, we all had a fun time. It cleared up in the afternoon and we were able to put the bounce houses and obstacle course outside. And in the end, the church made a profit that will go for a cause. No, it was not the same, but I believe that there was a reason that we were forced inside the church. I think there were people who came, who have not stepped foot inside a church in a very long time, if ever.

Jack had a blast, I think because I didn't see much of him during the whole day. I was manning my Arbonne booth most of the day and every now and then I would see him come running to show me some stupid toy prize that he won. It is great having the whole church look out for him because Jim wasn't there because he is working this weekend. If the fact that he was completely filthy at the end of the day is any indication of how much fun he had, then he had a really good time.

So I just have to say that even though it wasn't what we had planned, God had other plans and it still turned out great. We plan on doing it again in the Fall for our Fall Fest. Now that we have done this one, it can only get better, of course with a lot of work, but it was worth it.

Next up is Vacation Bible School next month, which I am going to be "Discovery Leader" where I get to do science experiments with the kids. Should be fun. Like I said before, life is going warp speed! Geesh!

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