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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

IT Has Started ...

The IT I am referring to is what every curly-haired girl has nightmares about and dreads with a such a passion. IT is THE HUMIDITY. And IT has arrived. Now you maybe asking why I moved from California, the land of the oh-my-god-is-it-really-that-hot-dry heat to Mississippi, the land of oh-my-god-I-am-going-to-drown-in-this-hot-humid-place. And believe me, when I say that I thought about that very thing many many times as I drove across country to move to Mississippi.

You see, I have curly hair. No, I should say, I have god-awful-unmanagable-curly-frizzy hair that with an armload of hair products, I can manage to actually make look somewhat respectable ... in low humidity. But when the dewpoint goes up, my hair turns into a freak show. And that is what has happened in the last week when the good old Mississippi humidity has moved in for the next few months. Remember that episode of Friends, where they are in the Caribbean and Monica's hair is 10 times her normal size? Yeah that is me.

My husband, bless his unknowing short-haired self, said to me yesterday "isn't there hair straightening stuff out there?" This was in response to listening to me rant about my losing control of my hair. Of course, I dug through my basket full of products and started showing him the products that I already use, which includes shampoo and conditioner "specially formatted for oh-my-god-curly hair" and other various straightening products. At which point, he just looked at me, shook his head, and walked away.

I guess that is what I will have to do too. Just shake my head and embrace my curly, frizzy, freak show of a head for the next 6 months.

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