Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our Turn

It seems that Jack decided to share his sickies with his mother and father. I woke up this morning feeling that wonderful achy, chills, fever, with a cough feeling. Jim walked in this morning from working all night and said first thing "you sick too?". Yep both of us got the crud. Joy. Joy.

As for Jack, he hasn't had a fever since late yesterday afternoon when he had a 102.8. He seems to be feeling much better almost back to his energetic self. But with the latest development of Jim and me, it looks like another day of staying in. No church for us today. I figure if this stuff is that contagious, I really shouldn't be spreading it to the entire congregation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that whole Jackroo household is sick. Just glad you made it home from Disney World before it all hit. Sure hope you all soon feel much better.
Love you all,
Grammy A