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Monday, July 16, 2007

The Weekend

This past weekend was uneventful yet eventful at the same time. Uneventful because it rained all weekend long, including most of today. So that meant that we had a lazy weekend. It was Jim's weekend to work, so it was just me and the kids inside the house pretty much all weekend. Our big excitment was a trip to Walmart on Saturday and of course there was church yesterday and both trips out of the house meant I was drenched for the rest of the day. Oh and all that rain also meant that my potted flowers out front drowned and are looking very dead at this moment. Sigh.

Anyway, the eventful part came about because of my husband. I just want to preface this by saying that I love my husband very very much, however (you knew that however was there didn't you) he has the most tender heart when it comes to animals. And his job where he comes into contact with stray animals all the time does not help. Remember the puppy he brought home? Anyway, he struck again. Actually he struck again twice! On Friday morning he called me up and said that he had 6 puppies in his car that he found on the side of the road. Yes they were all cute according to him. And yes, I said a big fat NO to actually keeping one. But he did bring them by here for Jack to see. I refused to even go out to see them.

And then on Saturday morning he struck again. He came by again at 6:30 in the morning with this tiniest tiny kitten in his car. Again he found it on the road. It was tiny and very scrawny. Kind of like when he brought home our other cat Sammy. Remember? So he asks me to just take it until the animal control officer can come pick it up. And there was my mistake, in letting the thing into the house!! The kids were not up yet, so Jim takes the kitten and puts it on Laura's pillow. Of course it takes a split second for her to fall in love with the thing. And then Jim has this idea that Laura could take it back home with her to California if her mother okayed it. Well her mother said maybe if it wasn't a girl cat, which I don't understand, but there are many things about that woman I don't understand.

So today, I made an appointment at the vet to determine the sex. I knew I should have taken the kitten myself, but I had just finished painting my laundry room and really did not want to do the job. So Jim took the kitten into the vet. And of course the cat is a girl. And then he proceeds to spend $150 on this kitten that I said we were NOT keeping. We do not have the money for that at all in anyway shape or form. Period. And of course Laura's mother flat out refused to have us send the cat to California, which prompted a lot of tears from Laura. In fact there were a lot of tears flowing in the house for many reasons at that point.

Now we have this kitten that I am absolutely refusing to keep. I know I am being the heavy, but I am always the heavy when it comes to these things. To say that I am a bit upset would be a huge understatement. Anybody want a cat?

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I don't blame you Dawn. While it is actually very sweet that Jim is such a softie for the strays, I completely understand you standing your ground on no more pets. Good luck!! It's too bad Laura's mom wouldn't let her have the cat just because it is female.