Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

All Points Bulletin

Attention All!

If anybody has seen a Sony cordless phone and a Titanium men's watch, would you please let me know. They were last seen in the hands of one 13-month old (guess who) and have not been seen since. I really would appreciate any tips leading to the hiding place of said items. Thank You.

Well as you can see, Jack has been quite busy. He is walking all over now and getting into everything and anything that he can. He also is learning how to climb onto pretty much anything, even things that I think "oh he can't get up there", I am proven wrong time and time again. He is now an expert on getting on and off the couch and chairs and give him a set of stairs and he will be up them before you can say "he can't climb those can he?". It is quite exhausting.

So he has managed to lose our cordless phone and Daddy's watch. We have no idea where they could be because we have searched this house high and low and can't find them. I am really wondering if the kid climbs out of his crib at night and takes his loot out back and burys it in the backyard! I really wouldn't be surprised at this moment.

In other news, Laura and I took Jack to the Yeah Baby Expo in Anaheim on Sunday. It was basically one huge convention show devoted to anything and everything baby. It was fun watching Jack toddle around the play areas playing with the other kids. And the best part of the show? I got this really really great diaper rash stuff called PinkXav and let me tell you, it works wonder on my kid who refuses to give up his diaper rash butt. We have been battling diaper rashes for about 2 months now ever since he was switched over to regular milk and I think for the first time, he is welt free! Yay! It was worth the $15 I spent on it.

Oh yeah and Laura got her picture taken with the guy from Malcom in the Middle. The guy who plays Reese and for the life of me I can't remember his name. But she thought that was really cool and she said her heart was pounding afterwards. I will have to post the picture.

Well that about sums up what is going on here. Gilmore Girls is coming on right now so I must run. Nothing comes in between me and Gilmore Girls!

***Update*** The watch has been found! It was behind the window shutter in the family room. Now if we could just find the phone...

1 comment:

Erin said...

Another Gilmore Girls fan! Ah!!! I love that show! :) :) I never miss it!