Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, April 04, 2005

Things that melt the heart...

Jack has been talking a lot more these days. Yesterday we bought him a dump truck with a whole bunch of beach/sand toys. Daddy was showing off the truck to Jack saying "vroom vroom" and the next thing out of my son's mouth is "vroom vroom". Heart melted.

He also does the rolling action to the patty cake nursery rhyme, along with the clapping of the hands. So the other day we were doing the patty cake and it got to the part about rolling and he says "rolling" while doing the hand motion. Heart melted.

When I pick him up from daycare, I realize that he has a whole social life there that doesn't include me. As we were leaving, another little boy about 2 years old says "bye Jack" and Jack waves back and says "bye". Heart melted.

The first thing he does when I pick him up at daycare is give me a big open mouth kiss and huge hug. Heart melted and just what the doctor ordered after a long day at work.

Times like these makes it all worth the sleepless nights and feeling totally miserable during the first few months of his life. And it helps gear you up for the upcoming sleepless nights that I know will happen. Heart fully melted.

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