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Friday, April 29, 2005

Friday ramblings

Well I made it to another Friday YaY!! Again it has been some week. I joined Curves this week. Wednesday was my first day. It was really weird because when I was done with the workout, I thought to myself "hmm not so bad". If you are not familiar with Curves, (and how can you not be - they are on about every corner just like Starbucks and McD's) it is a circuit training workout where you are on one machine for 30 seconds then jump and do cardio for 30 seconds and back on another machine and so on and so forth for 30 minutes. Now it has been 2 1/2 years since I have worked out in any kind of fashion (yes I am ashamed but 9 months of that I was making another human so I guess its not that bad). And before that, I was used to some pretty intense aerobic workouts where at the end I would be a mass of sweating flesh. Well not so much with the Curves workout. Yes I did get my heart rate into the "target zone" and I did sweat a little bit but nothing like I am used to. But the next day I woke up and yep I felt those muscles that hadn't been used in a long time. I have done it Wednesday and Thursday and hopefully I will be able to do it tonight. It really is fun and because it is for 30 minutes, I think I can squeeze it into my schedule. Problem is that I can't take Jack with me, so I am going to have to work out Jim's schedule so he can take care of Jack during those 30 minutes. Ahh my life is so scheduled right now!

On Wednesday night, we went to see Laura's dance recital. She has been learning the Hula dance and it was quite cute seeing her up there in her little grass skirt doing the hula. I took pictures and will post when I get a couple of minutes - again that schedule thing.

Last night Jack came home from daycare absolutely exhausted. I think part of the reason was because the night before he was up way past his bedtime because of Laura's dance recital. So he didn't want anything to eat and he went down for nite nite at 6:30. And the kid is still sleeping now at 7:00 am. I just went in there and he was snoring up a storm and looked so cute, I really hated to wake him. So I decided to come on here and update the blog for a few minutes while he slept. I can be late to work.

Speaking of being late to work, it took me 2 hours to get to work yesterday!!!!! Now let me just inform you that on a day with absolutely no traffic, my commute should be 30 minutes or less. But because this is California and you have to share the roads with 28 million other people, my commute is normally an hour each way. But yesterday it was raining and well for who knows why everybody just thought going about 15 miles an hour was the way to go. TWO HOURS!!! I hate California!

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