Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, December 27, 2004

How Many Chargers do you have?

I am beginning to think that we in the digital crazy age we live in are ruled by chargers. In the Jackaroo house we have 6 chargers that we use on a daily basis and I can think of 4 other chargers that are used on an occasional basis and probably more if I really started to think about it. The daily basis chargers are as follows:
Mommy's cell phone
Daddy's personal cell phone
Daddy's work cell phone (nicknamed "G" phone)
Cordless phone
Digital camera
Mommy's new play toy - the digital camcorder

The occasional chargers are the 2 laptops that I don't know why we have because we also have 2 desktops - go figure. We also have Daddy's (and soon to be Jack's) playtoy - the remote control truck that goes zoom zoom all over the yard. Along with the other Daddy's toy - the remote control boat that goes in the Lake and someday in the pool.

In other news, I have been trying to clean up the house for the last 2 hours. Geesh Christmas is messy. And geesh Jack's toys take up a lot of room. And what does he do after getting all those new toys? The kid plays in the tupperware cabinet in the kitchen.

We also bought a new doggie/kitty door yesterday. We have been trying to get an animal door for the past couple of years. You see in the old house we had a gigantic sliding door that no pet door on the market would fit. Now we move into thise brand new house and well we have the opposite problem! After much wrangling with the pet door ie. cutting the thing down about 3 inches, Daddy was able to put it into the sliding glass door. Well I don't know if I have ever mentioned, but I have the dumbest dog on earth living with me. She has to be taught on the proper techniques of said doggie door. We are still trying to teach.

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