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Friday, December 17, 2004

A Milestone?

Well last night was a "fun" night. After coming home from Laura's Christmas program after 9:00 which is way past a Jackaroo's bedtime, we tried to put an overly tired baby to bed. I thought we were successful around 10:00 so I went to bed. Well he woke up at 11:47 pm. I went in and gave him some bottle, reassured him, gave him a binky and his favorite stuffed animal and left. I thought all was well. Then at 1:11 am he woke up and started screaming. So again I walked into his room and went through the going-back-to-sleep ritual. But this time was different. I think I got a glimpse of what I am in for as a toddler - his very first temper tantrum. You see, when I went to give him his bottle, he threw it across the crib and looked at me very angrily. Then I tried to reassure him and he wanted no part of that either. So I tried to give him a binky and well at this point the sweet little innocent child of mine threw the binky at me! But he doesn't quite understand the consequences of gravity and it fell back into his face, which you guessed it, made him even angrier. At this point, he is screaming at the top of his lungs and the whole house is awake. Even the cat is looking at me to shut this kid up. And nothing and I mean nothing would calm him down. He was plain angry and I have a sneaking suspicion that it was toward me. So I just walked out almost as angry at him as he was at me and said "Fine, go ahead and scream". After about 15 minutes, he finally fell asleep. Well that is until about 4:45 am and then he was up and awake and all smiles and ready to meet the day head on. Yay lucky me, I got to get up before 5 am!

So, should I write this date down in the baby book - "Day of first Temper Tantrum"?

On a better note, you will find the pictures from Laura's school Christmas program last night.


Erin said...

Oh wow... yeah, I'd say that's a milestone all right. If we don't get Ben to bed by 7:30, we get similar bad mood results, though nothing as extreme as what you described. I'm POSTIVE if we tried getting him in bed as late as 9:00 though we would. This is why I keep telling my MIL there is no way we are staying at her Christmas Eve gathering past 7:15... I do NOT want an overtired screaming Ben on my hands for Christmas.

Here's a question though. What hand did he throw the things at you with? You can probably tell if he's left-handed or right-handed now! ;) How's that for a bright side? LOL.

Jack's Mom said...

Yeah that was not fun that night. And I think that we are paying for that still. He has been so crabby the last two days. I know he is tired and needs to nap but fights it so hard. I finally got him down about 2 hours ago and I got to take a nap myself! Yay! I would definitely fight your MIL on this one. It just isn't worth it to have a crabby baby.

Hmmm good question about that hand thing. I do believe it was the left hand. We have been trying to find out if he's left or right handed and the boy changes the hand all the time! He's always got to keep us guessing!