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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Johnson & Johnson's Ad

I know you all have seen the commercial that shows a little snippet of life with a baby and at the end it comes up with the saying "A baby changes everything" on the screen. I remember when I was pregnant, I would start blubbering when those ads came on. But to be truthful, I pretty much was crying at anything and everything back then. But I have been thinking about really how much a baby changes everything single thing about you. It is like I don't hardly remember my pre-baby days. What did I do with my time? What did I do with all that sleep I got?

What has changed might you ask for those who are still in their pre-baby days. Well let me tell you.

1. Sleep - I can count on my fingers the number of nights that I have had uninterrupted sleep for more than 5 or 6 hours. In the beginning, I was just praying for 2 hours at once!

2. My house is NEVER clean. It may get picked up and toys put away, but give it 30 minutes and it will be a mess again. I have learned the hard way that I just have to cope.

3. Time - What is with time? I mean since having Jack, it has sped up and there never is enough of it. What is up with that?

4. "Me" Time - See before, I used to think that I could go home from work and do what I wanted. Well those days are over. Jack's needs and wants come first. I now crave the early mornings and late nights when everybody is sleeping for this elusive "me" time.

5. How I look at the world is extraordinarily different. I see everything through a parent's eye now, which let me tell you is very different than a non-parent's eye.

Well I have more on my list, but that elusive "me" time that I mentioned in #4 is over. Jack is awake.

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