Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Game "Jack Says"

So tonight we were at dinner and Jack started pounding his high chair tray. Which prompted me to copy him, which in turn prompted him to start pounding harder. Then all of a sudden the entire family was copying Jack. He would pound his tray and we would pound the table, he would clap his hands and we would clap our hands, he would raise his arms up, well you get the point. But it actually was pretty hilarious and Jack just thought that was a hoot having his family do what he does. You probably had to be there, but trust me it was pretty funny.

Well after my long post earlier of what I had to get done today, I am sure you know how well my plans actually were pulled off. I did get to the people doing our desk and I did get to the mall to get my hair stuff (I do have priorities you know) and well I did get to Laura's school in time to pick her up at 3:45 but that is it. Nothing else. And the reason? Well that would be a 30 inch 24lb Jackaroo who was a big grumpfest and would not nap this morning. He did not go down for a nap until 11:00 and proceeded to sleep until 1:00 and we didn't get out of the house until about 2:00. I think the reason for the grumpfest is #6 tooth. He is starting to cut the 4th tooth on top which I am sure hurts really bad. But when he finally went down, I did feel like I had been involved in some type of marathon. And what did I do when he slept? Not the housework I should of done - nope, I sat and got caught up on Guiding Light. Yep I got my priorities!

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