Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, February 28, 2005

Over the Hill and Through the Woods to Grandma and Grandpa's House

Well we just got back from Michigan and visiting Grandma and Grandpa. I just need to say it was quite a trip! First off, we got to experience First Class flying. Wow what a difference and how much easier it is with a one-yr-old. I have to say all those out there who are thinking of flying, if you can afford it, fly first class!

So we get to Michigan on Wednesday night and rent a car with a car seat. The stupid rental car people thought that Jack needed the booster seat and Jim tried to explain to them that he is only one! Then the lady brings out a convertible seat and she says "this isn't what you want is it? It is for an infant." I am thinking to myself, this lady has not had any children in recent memory. So we get all set and off to see Grandma and Grandpa.

Everything was going well and having a good visit. It snowed on Thursday which was really pretty for us California people. Also on Thursday, Jack took his first official steps! I was sitting on the floor and Jim was leading Jack to me with one finger and suddenly let go and he walked 3 steps to me. Now of course we did trick him into doing it and ever since then when we try to get him to walk, my stubborn little son will just sit down on his butt and say "no way mama".

He also learned how to say "Achoo" which he thinks is just the neatest thing to say. So when one of us would say Achoo, Jack would start saying it over and over again also. This of course would lead into a fit of giggles.

But on Friday, Jack got sick and he didn't just get a little sick. Nope, he got a lot sick. We ended up taking him to ER on Friday night. And I just have to give the Michigan hospital kudos. We didn't have to wait 3 hours to be seen like you would here in California, we actually walked right in and was seen right away! Amazing! The whole experience only took about 2 hours!

When they took his temp at the hospital, he had a 103.6 fever, which I think was actually lower than it had been 30 minutes prior to that. So he was a sick little boy. They did a chest xray to rule out pneumonia, which he did not like. They also did a flu swab to make sure he did not have the flu, which he didn't. That flu swab did not look like fun since they have to put this wire thingy up the nose to swab the mucus. But I have to say my little guy is very much a trooper. He took all this in stride.

It ended up that he had something viral, which we all know they can't do anything about. They gave us some Motrin and told us that because he was such a big kid (25 lbs), that he could have double the Tylenol and Motrin that we had been giving to him. He actually is in the 2-3 yr old range!

So we flew home on Sat night and he was so tired. I felt so bad for him because all he wanted to do was sleep but he just could not get comfortable in our laps. He fell asleep in the car on the way home after the airport and did not wake up when I took him out of the car seat. I just put him in the crib for the night.

But I do have to brag about my little man. On the plane ride home, Jim was looking at a magazine that had pictures of cats and dogs. And would ask Jack "where's the doggie" and he in his oh-so-cute way would point to the dog and say something (not sure what that something is yet). Then would do the same to the cat when asked "where's the kitty". Yep he's on his way to being a genius!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Glad to hear you had a good visit but sorry Jack was sick. It sounds like it was a nasty virus but he was a little trooper! Hope he is all better now.