Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, August 14, 2006

Little Boys

Tonight as I was getting Jack dressed in his jammies, he was standing there playing with himself with a big smile on his face (yes he IS a boy). I asked what he was doing and he yells back at me "playing with my woo woo!" and proceeds to giggle and laugh all over the place. Do ya think he will let me in on when he plays with his woo woo when he is oh say 16? Nah, I don't think so either. And yet another post to show him when he turns a teenager just to embarrass him to death. Hahahahaha.

Oh and I want to give a big ole shout out to Amy, my friend from high school days who sent me the nicest card in the mail. Thank you so much girl! You really did lift me up when I read that and just what I needed. If ya'll don't know Amy, she is like one of the nicest people around! Thanks Amy!

1 comment:

-LGirl- said...

I'll never think of a woo type scheer again!LOL!
Great wedding story for you. Or maybe not!
Thinking of youand your family while you are ftrying to sell up. It can't be easy.