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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Babies, Babies, Babies Everywhere

Leslie, of Mrs. Flinger status had her baby boy on Saturday. It was a bit early and it sounds like he is still in the NICU, but hopefully with a lot of prayers, they will be able to take him home soon. We are praying for ya Leslie.

I tell ya, there is a baby explosion going on ya'll!!!! I went to a baby shower on Sunday for Holly, my pastor's wife, who is due in July. I will be taking care of him when he decides to come into this world.

Then my neighbor is due in September. She found out a couple of weeks ago that she is having a little girl, which shocked me, cause I had her pegged as a little boy. I think they were shocked as well.

Erin, of tale of a baby human fame, had her baby about two weeks ago and from the sounds of it, she is doing really well. From her posts, it makes me think how much of a hard time I had with the end of my pregnancy and birth and dealing with Jack that first month. But then again, she is 10 years younger and there is a big difference in those 10 years I guess. Congrats Erin, you are looking great!

Oh and yeah, another couple at my church just had a baby boy and I got to hold him when he was 8 days old a few days ago. Wow, they make em tiny don't they. Hard to believe that Jack was ever that little, but in fact, he was smaller than the 8 lb 10 oz baby they had!

All this baby business, makes one's mind wander and say we could do it again. And then I wake up from the hazy baby dreams and laugh and remember those days. HA!

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