Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 03, 2007

He has come a Long Way

About a year ago I wrote This Post about Jack having a complete and total meltdown because I put his beloved Foo Foo (He named him, we didn't) Dog in the washing machine and dryer. I really believed that he was so traumatized over the whole episode, that he was for sure going to need therapy when he got older telling his future psychologist or psychiatrist all about the time when his mother did the unthinkable - put Foo Foo in the washing machine and dryer. It was that bad.

Well flash forward to today. Foo Foo has been looking really really bad lately. The poor dog has already been restuffed and resewn a few times. He is very very loved and so loved that I have not been able to get the dog away from the boy. The dog goes with us Everywhere! It was the walk we took the other night with some neighbors that brought me to the edge of sanity of deciding to put Foo Foo in the washing machine again. He was playing in the dirt with his "two girls" as he puts it (neighbor girls Maddie and Allison). All three of them were extremely filthy that night. So bad that when I took Jack into the bathroom for his bath that night, everything he touched had a dirt spot and when I took his shirt off, the dirt went flying all over me. He was dirty.

And that included Foo Foo. Because you see, Foo Foo got to play in the dirt also. Lucky him huh? So this morning I was very determined to wash Foo Foo. So I brought it up casually with Jack at breakfast saying that Foo Foo needed a bath. At first, he said an emphatic NO. But with a little bit of reasoning within 20 minutes, I had the boy putting the dog into the pillow case himself for a good cleaning in the washing machine! No future therapy needed here. He was very willing to put him in the machine. Go Me.

Here is a picture of Jack staring intently as Foo Foo is "going for a ride in his bath".

1 comment:

Steffie B. said...

OMW...that is hilarious! How long did he stand there???