Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

More Daily Stuff

I realized yesterday that I had to get my butt in gear. And the realization came from the fact that my three-year-old son's room was the cleanest room in the house... by far! And that is a sad sad fact. Also there was the fact that nobody had any clean underwear in the house and Jack was wearing dirty shorts because his clean shorts drawer was empty.

So for about five hours yesterday I cleaned and laundered until everything sparkled. Well maybe sparkled isn't the word, but let's just say less dirty. I had to clean Jack's tub with bleach it was so gross and dirty, but now I can say that his tub does indeed sparkle. Yay Me! And all laundry baskets are empty and all closets are now full of clean clothes. Yay Me Again! It always feels good to sit in a nice clean house.

Today was digging in the dirt day for the Jackaroo house. Jim roto-tillered the flower beds and put cow manure (yes ewwww) down and then we planted roses in front of the house. I also planted pretty petunias and impatiens in flower pots. So now we have pretty color in front. Yay Jim and I. Oh and yes Jack because he was digging with his own shovel. I will have to post pictures when the roses get in full bloom.

Other than that, not much going on here. It has been warm with the temps near 90 degrees. I am in the countdown mode to when my wood floors get installed - 7 more days! I so can not wait until this carpet is gone out the door forever.

I have been trying to deny that Jack's school year is almost over. Next Wednesday is his last day and then it will be trying to find stuff do 7 days a week instead of 5 days. I know right now that we are going to be hitting up story time at the library every Wednesday and going to the children's museum alot more. Also there is the pool where he can jump in another 5000 times. That kid has absolutely no fear of the water and that reminds me to look up about swim lessons for the boy and fast.

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