Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, August 21, 2006

What Are You Doing Mama?

I had no idea that a human being can ask the phrase "what are you doing Mama" 396 times in the span of a minute. But that is what my toddler can do. Quite some feat isn't it? And maddening? Oh yeah. Here is a typical 2 minute conversation between me and Jack lately:

Jack: What are you doing Mama?
Me: Changing your diaper.
Jack: What are you doing Mama?
Me: Taking your pants off
Jack: What are you doing Mama?
Me: Taking your diaper off.
Jack: What are you doing Mama?
Me: Wiping your butt
Jack: What are you doing Mama?
Me: Still wiping the poopies off your butt.
Jack: What are you doing Mama?
Me: putting new diaper on.
Jack: What are you doing Mama?
Me: putting your pants back on
Jack: What are you doing Mama?
Me: Going absolutely crazy!

You get the idea. Oh and not only is the what are you doing question going on constantly, it is now flavored with the Why question.

Jack: What are you doing Mama?
Me: washing the dishes
Jack: Why?
Me: because they are dirty
Jack: why?
Me: because you made them dirty
Jack: what are you doing Mama?

Yeah that is the main topic of conversation around here lately. Aren't you jealous?


-LGirl- said...

You have much more patience thaqt II do. Mine would go something like this.
"Changing your bum.
Changing your Bum,

I don't really recomment that technique!LOL but here's one you could try.
Turn it around and ask him " What IS Mommy doing?" It often works to curb the questions.
Good luck

Jack's Mom said...

LOL Lgirl! I did try that and it ended the questions for about 5 seconds and it started up all over again. Aye Aye Aye. When does this phase end by the way?

Kelli said...

I could have written this exact post. My kiddo does the exact same thing with the exact same questions. Drives ya batty!

-LGirl- said...

Once they hit Pre-K Then they don't ask what you're doing they tell you what to do....