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Friday, March 09, 2007

Big News

Well it looks like I am going to be having a baby around September!!!! Now that I caught your attention, it will be a part-time baby and definitely not mine. I am going to be taking care of our Pastor and his wife's new baby when she goes back to her nursing job. They are expecting a baby boy at the end of July and will be needing childcare for only two days a week. She works three days (12 hour shifts) at the hospital and her husband is going to take care of the baby one day. So I piped up and said that I could take him the other two days. When I first offered my services, I was mentally kicking myself. What am I going to do with a baby two days a week? Yikes. That is a lot of work. But now I have to say that I am a little bit looking forward to the experience. It will be fun to have a little baby around again and this time I get to give him back to his Dad for the night! HA! And I can sleep in peace. Good arrangement.

The other big news is news that I am kinda reluctant to even share because it has been known in the blogging world that once you say something about your child achieving something, it comes back to bite ya in the butt. But I am going to go out on the limb and say this. I do believe that Jack is daytime potty trained!!!! That doesn't mean we don't have the occasional accident and he does seem to freak out a bit about the pooping thing, but he knows what he is supposed to do and when he is supposed to do it. He has been staying in his big-boy underwear all day and staying dry for the most part. The key is that I have to make sure the kid goes to the bathroom at least every couple of hours or we are needing a change of clothes, which I carry with me at all times. I talked to his teacher and told her that I was thinking of sending him to school in underwear since he has stayed dry in his pull ups for the last week and she told me to go ahead. So we shall see how that goes next week with underwear at school.

So long story short, I think he is potty trained enough to semi-trust him in his underwear all the time during the day. Of course there is the issue with naps, but since he so rarely actually takes naps, it is a non-issue unfortunately. The problem is that when he does take a nap, it usually is the kind where he just kinda passes out from shear exhaustion and I don't have time to change him into a pull-up, which ends up very messy in the end. And lots of laundry.

The next thing is to get rid of that nasty nasty diaper champ. Yuck. I think that since we are down to one or two pullups a day, it will be going out of his room in the next few days. Of course, come September, I will need it again with that new baby boy coming into our house two days a week.

1 comment:

-LGirl- said...

Sound like fun! 2 days a week is perfect! I have done Day care off and on for a bit and the full time gig is really tough! But two days a week will make you appreciate your Dyas off and to have a little one around to squeeze and give back is great!
Congrats on the potty work! PS Maybe The baby will "need" Jack's diapers and he can give them to the baby since he "won't be needing them any longer"?