Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Friday, March 09, 2007

Where did that come from?

This morning was "get some projects done around the house time" for Jim and I. He was outside with the chain saw trimming the really ugly tree in our backyard and doing other yard type projects. I was inside painting the hallway that has been screaming at me to paint for six months. So yes, finally we were getting stuff done that needed to be done.

During this time, Jack kept running between Daddy outside with the really cool chain saw and other assortment of cool tools and me inside with the irresistible paint, brushes and roller. Everytime Jack came inside the house to see what I was doing, I would "encourage" him to go see what Daddy was doing in the backyard. Because, lets face it, three-year-olds and painting just do not mix. Period.

But after about an hour or so of Jack going back and forth between Jim and I, he got a bit tired of doing that and decided that he needed to "help" me with the painting. Oh joy. So I had him to retrieve stuff for me in hopes of keeping him out of the paint. But soon enough, he was reaching for the brush to "help Mama". I told him in a maybe too stern of a voice that he could not help me. It was just a "Mama job". At this point, being the emotional toddler that he is, decided to go running into the family room and throw himself into the chair, exclaiming "YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME"!!!! Now where in the world did he get that from? I didn't even know that he knew the phrase, let alone use on me. And why did he feel the need to use it? Oh Lordy am I going to have a drama boy on my hands?

Of course, I dropped the roller and went to him and hugged him and told him that I did care about him very much. And then made going outside to be with Daddy while he was fertilizing the lawn would be so much fun. Hehe.


Dannye said...

isn't it funny how you have to make some tasks look like fun to have the children want to do them, how funny you got to do that!!!

Anonymous said...

They know how to push those mommy guilt buttons don't they. I always send brother (5) out to daddy as well. Thanks for the visit to my journal.