Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

T-Ball and Preschool ... These Are The Days Of Jack's Life

Well T-Ball practice started last night. I wish I could say that it went well, but I can't. It didn't start out very well when I got there and realized that I goofed and never bought Jack a baseball mitt and he was the only one without a glove. So, in Jack's true spirit, he just took over another little boy's named Brady. As you can imagine, this did not go over well with Brady and subsquently Jack when we made Jack give the glove back to Brady. Much crying and tears.

And then came the actual practice and I can tell right now that Jack is going to want to field more than bat because he loves to go running for the ball yelling "I got it I got it". But there is another little boy named Harper, who also has a love for fielding and is much more shall we say "aggressive" than Jack, which after about fourth ball Jack lost to Harper led to many crying and tears from Jack.

Hopefully Thursday's practice will be a bit better because we went straight to Academy Sports and bought a nice baseball mitt and baseball pants (so cute). His team color is royal blue. Their first game is April 9th and they play team #4.

Coach Heidi teaching Jack how to swing the bat.
Today was Jack's Easter party at school. They are out of school next week for spring break (waaaaaahhhh). I stayed in the classroom for the entire 3 hours to help out and I just have one thing to say - Ms. Kelsey is a goddess! Whatever she gets paid, which is probably next to nothing, it is NOT enough. Oh My GAH! And she handles the entire three hours of chaos with such grace and patience. I do not think that more than five minutes went by between each "crisis". And these kids are fast! I mean before you could blink, there was a fight over the trains and Kyle was smashing Jacob's head causing Jacob to scream. Then you turn around and see Seth climbing on the bookshelf trying to get to his easter basket full of candy. And you turn around again and you see Justin falling and cutting his knee up really badly requiring neosporin and a bandaid.
Seriously people, I came home NEEDING a nap after my three hour stint as preschool class mom. Yowza.
But all in all, it was a fun Easter day for the kids. They started out by having an egg hunt whereby Jack became superhuman egg-picker-upper. I swear he got a good 40% of the eggs crammed into his basket before anybody else. We had to do a bit of making things even later. There were 84 eggs and they were all picked up in a matter of 2 minutes.
Then after playing for a few minutes, the kids went inside and had their bunny rabbit cupcakes (thanks to over achiever super mom Katie) and juice. So cute they were sitting at the table waiting for their cupcakes singing their "bless this food" song. My heart swelled with pride when I saw my precious angelic son (yes I know I was calling him a devil child only days ago) saying his prayers. So So So cute.
I have to give kudos to the teachers and director at Jack's school. The school is awesome and I feel Jack has benefited so much by being there this year. They had music class with Miss Barbara today and it was adorable as they sang Old MacDonald and marched around with eggs filled with stuff shaking them. So So So Cute. Love it.

Ms. Kelsey leading the grace song before the cupcakes came out. Notice my angelic, redeemed-from-his-demon-status son holding his hands together to pray.

1 comment:

Steffie B. said...

I remember doing t-ball with Emmie. As far as helping in the classroom.....I don't think I could stand being the teacher for hours on end. I love my kids, but they need to go to school so we can have a break! lol