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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I am sure all those with the little ones are going to be out trick or treating tonight. Jack is soooo excited. It is fun to watch because he totally gets it this year. He is even practicing his "Trick or Treat" speech he is going to make at every door tonight. And he is absolutely pumped to be batman and keeps singing the batman song and yelling "Batman" through the house. Ahhh this is such a fun age.

When I picked him up from school today, the boy was absolutely crazy with a sugar high from all the snacks at the halloween party at his school. Although they are not allowed to wear costumes, they did have a party and from the look on his face, it was pretty fun. He also got to bring home the pumpkin that he painted all green.

While I was at the school there was a bit of excitement from having four police officers in the office. After a few minutes, one of them walked out a teenage boy in handcuffs. I guess he did something that he shouldn't have done. Now mind you, this is a small christian private school and this kind of thing doesn't happen that often, not like the big public high schools anyway. So now I am waiting for Jim to get up and find out what that kid did. Inquiring minds want to know ya'll!

After school, I took Jack to chick-fil-a to burn off some of that sugar high. It has the best playland and is nice for the parents to just sit back and watch their child in the enclosed area run around like crazy people. As for those other parents, I am just shocked that some of them even have kids. I feel sorry for their kids. I overheard one mother talking to another mother while I was pretending to read the newspaper. Mother A was talking about Halloween and how she hated the holiday and she saw no reason for it and she was not going to let her precious child out tonight to go "beg for candy"! At this point I snuck a glance at Mother B who was trying very hard to NOT tell this woman off. She actually handled it very well and tactful by saying "well MY child is going to grow up normal with all the tradition of begging for candy" and let it be at that. Phew glad that I didn't have to deal with THAT mother from hell.

But I do have to admit that I am another kind of mother that I did not think I was going to be. When we got home, I was going through the mail and was reading the November newsletter from Jack's school. It listed the "students of the month". They give out three every month. One for the preschool (K3 - K5), one for 1st - 5th grade, and one for the middle and high school students through 12th grade. Well the one for the preschool was a little girl in Jack's class and for a split second (alright for about 10 seconds), I felt jealousy because I wanna see my baby's name as student of the month! Waaahhhh. I also want the cool bumper sticker that says "My child is a student of the month at X school." Yeah I am so that mother.

1 comment:

-LGirl- said...

I think I hate those Special honours Lists more than the kids that aren't on them. Still and we are in our 5th year of school..

I feel a bit like Pgirl "EVERYONE else has been on the list" stomping feet....LOL